A continuing saga of middle age angst and self-deprecation. As I approach the 50 year mark of my life I am zeroing in on what I actually like to do, as opposed to what I must do. And, I must say, it is ABOUT DAMN TIME!!
PunkStarAce's Articles In Misc
December 19, 2004 by PunkStarAce
12 days to go. I've been at this job for almost 19 years, and in 12 more days I'm done with it. When I first started there, it was out of the necessity of I HAVE to have a job. I moved to Florida from New York (I always say New York is a great place to be from) after being laid off, well, let's be honest and say fired from my job as a truck tire repair man. Not the greatest job but I made 9 bucks an hour plus overtime and back in the early 80s that wasn't bad. Lost my mind to cocaine, ...